How to Create a First Aid Kit for Dogs
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DIY Dog First Aid Kit
If you are anything like me, you might not think about getting or creating a first aid kit for dogs until you need one. Luckily, my EMT husband is always better prepared for medical emergencies than I am! With his help, we will go over everything you will need for your own DIY dog first aid kit so you can be prepared for most situations at home or when you are out on the road.
The most cost-effective way to build your own canine-friendly emergency kit is to purchase a ready-made kit first and add to it. You can choose to add -on to either a human OR a dog first aid kit. They even make kits for dogs and humans combined since a lot of the supplies can be used for both. This guide will split the supply lists into 3 sections so you will easily know which products can be used for dogs and humans, only dogs, and ones just for humans.

If you’d like an easy-to-read First Aid supply checklist so you can quickly see what you may need to stock up on (as well as all the other templates in our Freebie Library and 15% off of our Etsy store), you can subscribe to our weekly newsletter!
Why Do You Need a First Aid Kit for Dogs?
You may wonder why and where you would even need a first-aid kit for your dog. The supplies in your emergency kit will come in handy if your dog gets stung by a bee, swallows a toxin, or gets injured in any way. With a fully stocked kit, you will be prepared to treat your pup and any human that needs a little extra help so you can continue your journey or get them to a vet or doctor for further help.

I suggest keeping a First Aid Kit both at home and bringing it when you travel because you never know when and what you will need. Two of our dogs (Emma a 70lb husky and Charlie our 14lb Chihuahua) took on a squirrel in our backyard and the squirrel won. Both dogs ended up with puncture wounds and Emma’s nose was sliced at the nostril. Luckily, we had our first aid kit on hand so we could properly clean and disinfect their wounds until they could be looked at by a vet.
Remington, our oldest dog has been stung by a bee and needed Benadryl to get the swelling on his face to go down (we called our vet, and this is what they recommended). We have also dealt with minor sprains and pulled muscles on hiking trips and have used our emergency harnesses to carry our pups back to the car.
Dog First Aid Kit List:
If you would like to create your own dog first aid kit, here is a list of items that you should include and the reasons why. It may also be helpful to obtain some first aid training so you can be prepared to help the members of your group in case anything goes wrong. To get started on your emergency kit, you will want to purchase one or both of the following items:
Ready-Made First Aid Kit– You can purchase a ready-made kit and simply add the items that are missing to it. We found this to be the most cost-effective. Here are two kits that have a lot of the supplies that you will need. We purchased the Adventure Kit.
Bag- To carry the emergency supplies. You will need this if you create your own first aid kit from scratch, or if your original first aid kit won’t hold the additional items that you will need
Dog First Aid Kit Contents (Humans & Dogs)
Your kit will come with many of the following items, but most kits will not have everything on this list. Here are the first aid supplies that you will want to make sure are included that will be helpful when treating both the humans and canines in your family:
- Tourniquet– For humans and animals. Use to stop heavy bleeding. Look for one that can be used with only one hand.
- Adhesive Tape– For humans and animals. Use this to hold gauze or splints in place.
- Benadryl– For humans and animals. Use to combat allergic reactions. Dogs generally get 1mg per pound. Check with your vet to make sure your dog can get Benadryl.
- Self-adhering Bandage– For humans and animals. Use this to help support areas that have strains or sprains. Can also use to help keep other gauze and bandages in stay place.
- Liquid bandage– For humans and animals. Use this to close gashes or larger lacerations.
- Non-stick Pad– For humans and animals. Use this to protect wounds from infections.
- Swabs/cotton balls– For humans and animals. Use this to clean wound areas and apply hydrogen peroxide or other ointments.
- Saline eye solution– For humans and animals. Use this to flush out eyes.
- Digital thermometer– For humans and animals. Use to check temperatures. Normal human is 98.6 degrees. Dogs are 101-102.5 degrees. We recommend one for humans and a separate one for dogs.
- 3% hydrogen peroxide– For humans and animals. Use this to clean wounds or to assist with vomiting with dogs. Keep in mind some items are recommended to be allowed to pass through their system or surgically be removed to avoid additional injuries especially if the item is sharp. Recommended amounts differ according to weight.
- Ice pack– For humans and animals. Use this to help reduce swelling.
- Gloves– Use this to stay safe and clean when helping the injured individual.
- Shears (blunt end)– Use this to cut fabric or other material if needed.
- Tweezers– For humans and animals. Use these to remove splinters, ticks, and other small objects that may be embedded in a place where it needs to be removed.
- Alcohol wipes– For humans and animals. Use these to disinfect an area and/or tools that you will have to use.
- Triple Antibiotic Ointment– For humans and animals. Use this to help prevent infections.
- Splint– For humans and animals. Use this to immobilize a limb.
Dog First Aid Supplies (Dogs Only):
This next section of supplies can only be used for your dogs. These items will ensure that you can safely assist them until you can get them into a vet.
- K-9 First Aid manual– Always good to have basic knowledge available to show you what you need to do.
- Oral syringe– For dogs. Use this to administer hydrogen peroxide or other liquids orally.
- Styptic Powder– For dogs. Use this for bleeding nails.
- Soft muzzle– For dogs. Use this for your safety before starting to treat a dog that is in pain.
- Lubricant– For dogs. Use this to assist with taking temperature.
- Shaving Razor– For dogs. Use to remove hair around a wound so you can see, clean, and treat properly if needed.
- Extra leash/collar– For dogs. Have a backup in case they break or you have to cut them in an emergency.
- Stretcher/harness– For dogs. Use to carry them if they can no longer walk. We have the Fido Pro Emergency dog carrying harness which works for medium to large-sized dogs or you can look at the styles below.
Human First Aid Supplies (Humans Only):
Last but not least, here are the items that should only be used on the humans in your group.
- Band-Aids– For humans. Use these on small cuts and abrasions.
- Triangular bandage– For humans. Use this to create a sling or apply pressure to a limb.
Don’t Forget to Check Your Dog First Aid Kit
Having a first aid kit ready to treat the dogs and humans in your group is so important and can even save a life. Once you have put your kit together, it is equally important to check the supplies and keep them updated. Use this guide to make sure your dog’s first aid kit is always fully stocked and available in case of emergency. Don’t forget to subscribe to get a free printable DIY Dog First Aid Checklist that you can use over and over again.

If you would like to learn more about how to safely vacation with your dog, take a look at our Tips for Taking Your Dog on Vacation post.
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Interesting post! I just got a cocker spaniel puppy two weeks ago so I will be reading lots of your posts to get smarter!
Congrats on the new puppy!
I never even thought about having a first-aid kit for pets. It is essential to have now that you brought it to my attention. Thank you!
I’ve never thought of a first aid kit for my pet! That is such a smart idea!
I will make sure our children read this post. They all have dogs and the information here would be helpful to them.
Such good planning to have all of these 1st aid essentials handy in a convenient kit.
So important to be prepared for any emergencies with our families and pets!
I honestly never thought about some of these emergency items for our dog! Great post and very informative! We recently got to a trailhead for a hike and forgot our leash so I’m going to take your suggestion for an extra leash in the car!
Wow, I agree I dont have a pet but i doubt i’d have thought about some of these things. I learned something new today.
Very practical and fun read!
Very smart idea! We often hike with our dog, so keeping some first aid supplies in our backpacks is a wise choice.
This has some great items to keep on hand for your pup! Thanks!
What a fantastic idea. I never would have thought to put a first aid kit together for my dog. Love it!
I agree with the others that commented – I have never considered a first aid kit for my dog before. But you’re right – we have them for humans, why not for our pets? Great information.
We don’t have pets, but great idea for pet owners!
What a wonderful idea and so thoughtful for our fur babies. We had never even considered the idea of one. Now it is a must! Thank you!
Great post, I never considered bringing supplies for my pup’s first aid.
I love learning new things! I never knew that Benedryl could be used by dogs. This was a wonderfully informative post. Thank you so much!
This is a great idea for a kit. I know a lot of people that take there dogs hiking and this is a great way to be prepared.
Such a smart idea. You never know when they might need something or be in-distress. I should put one of these in my car.
Great list of contents for a good first aid kit.
Some great items to keep on hand as pet owners!
Definitely a great list of items to keep on hand at home, or if you are traveling with your pets!
We are hoping our little dog is able to travel with us more, will certainly have to pack for her something like this!
Such useful info. Thank you, for sharing.
This is a great idea! I have cats, though, rather than dogs. But I can do a cat first aid kit.
Thanks! It is so important to have for any species 🙂
Great tips!
Great list of first aid items! I have used my dog’s first aid kit plenty of times, it’s been very handy. Benadryl is definitely a must! My dog likes to catch the bees!
Thank you! My EMT husband has learned what we need to keep around the house to treat all of our wounds (mostly mine) LOL
This is a great guide you provided for pet emergency preparedness. I’ll be sharing this post. It’s better to be prepared than not prepared at all.
Thank you! We have upped our First Aid game with our accident-prone husky! LOL
Wow, I can’t believe that squirrel battled two dogs – and won! That must have been some bad-ass tree rat, Yikes! Thank goodness your dogs weren’t seriously injured. Broad list of product recommendations here, that’s helpful. We travel extensively with our dogs (not during COVID of course) and I learned very early the value of a properly stocked First Aid Kit. We never leave home without it. The one thing I’ve been meaning to add to mine is Benadryl. My Husky Icy is obsessed with bees!
Love & Biscuits,
Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them
Neither could I! Our husky is also the one to constantly find trouble….they are a handful! LOL
I have a full first aid kit for Layla in my earthquake bag and one for me, it was one of the first things I put together for an emergency – great post to remind others
Thanks! It is often not something we think about until we need it 🙂
Wonderful post! I love all the items you have included. We have a cabin in the middle of the woods in the middle of nowhere so definitely have relied on emergency kits. One thing you’ve added that we don’t have is the splints! Great addition!!
Thanks! I have to credit my husband for putting it together!!
We have a first aid kit that does double duty for humans and dogs. I’m pretty good about making sure to keep it resupplied, but I need to get another oral syringe.
Our dog first-aid kit grew into giant proportions over time. I don’t see it on your list, and it is a life-saver if you have a large dog, a support harness of some sort. You never know when your dog might not be able to get around on their own, whether after an injury or after a medical procedure. We acquired ours years ago, and we were grateful to have them several times.
They are useful! We do have an emergency harness on the guide to help carry dogs long distance 🙂