Autumn Tips for Dogs
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Fall Safety Tips for Dogs
After the heat of the summer, the cooler autumn temperatures are a welcome change. Though many people look forward to this particular season, fall does offer its own unique challenges for dog owners. This time of year all types of wildlife will be preparing for winter, nuts and leaves are falling, and the weather can alternate between random heatwaves or mini snowstorms. As you and your pet transition from hot to cold weather at this time of year, take a moment to go over these autumn tips for dogs so you and your pup will be ready for your next adventure!

Read on to find out how to keep your dog safe by knowing what to keep an eye out for and how to make sure your pup is comfortable throughout the holidays.
Fall Leaves and Hidden Surprises
Autumn is most known for the leaves changing colors and gracefully falling to the ground. This creates beautiful scenery, but you will want to be mindful of what may lie beneath those fallen leaves. Leaf litter could be covering holes, trash, or even animals that are injured or simply trying to stay warm.

You may need to step in and investigate if your dog seems super interested in a particular leaf pile especially if they find something that they shouldn’t have. At the same time, be prepared that you too may unwittingly find an unwanted hidden surprise while you are out exploring with your pup.

We have stepped in poop and found deceased birds and other small animals under the leaves in our yard. Staying on top of raking leaves and picking up after your pup regularly will help avoid unwanted incidents of all kinds.
Toxic Nuts and Plants in the Fall
‘Tis the season to be on the lookout for both toxic plants and nuts when your dog is playing outside. As fall turns into winter, toxic plants will be less of a concern as they die out with the colder weather but it is still important to know what to look out for. Luckily, most animals tend to naturally avoid most toxic plants. However, if you have a very curious or hungry pup, you should know what plants to look out for in your area.

What many people may not know, is that there are also several kinds of nuts that can be toxic to dogs. Some toxic nuts might only cause a tummy ache, but others can cause serious neurological issues or even death. When autumn hits, nuts can seem like fun toys falling from the sky and some pups may be tempted to chew on or eat them. In our yard, we have black walnut trees which are toxic and unfortunately look a bit like tennis balls, so we keep a close eye on the dogs during this time of year.

Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes
These biting bugs seem to hold us hostage for most of the year including during the fall months. This means that you still need to stay on top of your pup’s heartworm, flea, and tick medications because these critters are still out lurking around. Thankfully as it gets colder, there will be less of them, but your dog won’t be totally safe until temperatures start regularly getting near freezing. To learn the best time to stop giving these monthly medications in your area, you should talk to your local veterinarian.
Fall Wildlife and Your Dog
During the fall months, wildlife has to start preparing for winter just like we do. Animals will be stocking up on food or searching for a nice cozy space so they can stay warm during the approaching colder months. Never let your pup approach wild animals. They are WILD and you can’t predict how they will react or when they will feel they need to protect themselves. Even if they choose to run away, they will be burning off calories that they need to help get them through the winter.

On cooler days you will be more likely to come across reptiles that are sunning themselves in order to help them digest their foods and keep warm. If your pet does get bit by a snake and you are worried that it might have been venomous, never try to catch or kill it. This typically results in you getting bitten as well. The best thing to do is to take a picture from a safe distance and let the professionals figure out what treatment if any your dog will need. A dog first aid will help you treat any potential injuries until you are able to talk to a veterinarian.
Get Ready for Fall Weather with Your Dog
Autumn is one of my favorite times of year because the weather is much more conducive to taking my dogs camping. Overall, the temperature will be much nicer than in winter and summer. The only downside is you may randomly have to deal with a super-hot day or a super cold day. This means you will have to be prepared for all types of weather.

Make sure to bring along enough water and extra blankets or dog coats to keep you and your pup comfortable. You might also want to have a set of dog boots on hand if there is a risk of snow or ice during your trip to protect their feet and help keep them from slipping on ice or sleet.

Fall can be a hard time for dog owners because with the weather fluctuating between hot and cold days, you may be dealing with more shedding than you are used to. Don’t worry, this is natural as their bodies adapt to the changing temperatures around them.

Depending on the type of coat your dog has, you might notice that they become fluffier as it gets cooler outside. A thicker coat will help your dog stay warm in the cold weather that’s coming. Unfortunately, with the temps fluctuating this time of year, your dog may start shedding out their new winter coat during the random mini-heat waves that happen until the cold weather stabilizes during winter.
Blue-Green Algae in Autumn
Though we hear more about blue-green algae during the summer months, you still have to be watchful during the beginning of fall because it likes to live and grow in warm water. It especially likes when that water is full of nutrients from a summer full of run-off from grass and farm fertilizers.

Unfortunately, blue-green algae is highly fatal to dogs so if there is any chance you think your dog may have swum or drink from water that has it, call a vet right away. Many dogs don’t even make it to the vet, so it is incredibly important to act quickly and have a dog first aid kit on you just in case. Keep in mind that it’s harmful to people too.
Whatever you do, don’t be fooled by the name, the color can appear in more shades than just blue and green. The safest thing to do is to check water conditions before letting your dog swim in still or slow-moving water bodies.
Introducing Cold Weather Clothes to Your Dog
Your dog’s coat isn’t the only thing that will frequently be changing during the fall months. You will find yourself alternating between long and short sleeves or shorts and pants depending on the current weather. If your dog has not seen cold-weather clothes yet or if it has been a while, you might need to ease them into it. When we first brought our husky up north and she experienced cold weather for the first time, she didn’t realize that there were arms inside of long sleeves and she found people in bulky coats to be super scary!
Autumn Holidays and Your Pup
Fall Holidays are some of my favorites! Halloween and Thanksgiving is full of great food, family, friends, and some spectacular decorations. Whereas I love the realistic and spooky decorations for Halloween, plenty of dogs feel the opposite. Some dogs may also react fearfully to things like scarecrows, large spiders, zombies, or any animatronic décor that people put out in their yards. If you have a very anxious dog, you might need to consider avoiding certain streets. Don’t forget to be a considerate neighbor and prevent your pups from marking on decorations!

The closer to Halloween you get, the more you’ll have to look out for discarded candy and other sweets on the ground. Thanksgiving is another holiday full of opportunities for your pets to get into food that could make them sick. It may be awkward but make it clear to your guests that they shouldn’t sneak your dog ‘special’ food from the table and make sure all plates are kept out of your dog’s reach. Sweets and other types of people-food can not only give your pet an upset stomach or pancreatitis (which could end with an overnight stay at the vet) but some foods have ingredients (like xylitol) that can even kill your pup.

It’s Fall Y’all!
Fall is my favorite time of year because it means we get to spend more time outside with all our animals. Even though I hate constantly raking to keep up with the falling leaves and toxic nuts in my yard, the beauty of the season and the joy my animals get from spending extra time outside is totally worth it! If you would like to make this autumn even more fun for your pups, get inspired with some Pet-friendly Halloween Activities or you can even throw a Dog Halloween Party.

No matter the season, there will always be something you need to be aware of to keep your pets safe. Take a look at our dog tips for winter, spring, and summer to help you take the best care of your pup year-round!
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