Travel Quotes
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Why Travel Is Important to Me
As an adult, I LOVE to travel and live to explore. Let it be a new place in the town I live in, or somewhere on the other side of the world. Here are some travel quotes that I hold dear and strongly believe in. I hope you love them as much as I do.

Traveling has helped me become me. As a child, we didn’t go many places, but I traveled through stories inside of books. As I grew older, I leapt at the chance to see these places in real life and it has become a very real part of my selfcare.

I believe that when you travel, the exposure to other cultures, ways of living, food and religions opens your mind to embrace a much larger picture. You realize that the world is bigger than you.

You have the opportunity to see firsthand the struggles and success in other cities, states, and countries. This opened my eyes to see the world was not black and white. There are no simple answers. There is no one ‘right way’. I learned that it’s ok to ask questions, that no one is ever done learning and that we all can make a difference- whether it’s a good or bad difference is up to us.

I believe traveling can be done by anyone. If you want to travel, you can. By creating a budget, picking up some odd jobs, or finding ways to travel cheaper; discovering new places is something everyone can do.

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Oh, these quotes! I can literally relate to every single one of them! 😀
Ah I love all of these quotes!!! Being at home, and in lockdown, for most of 2020 and now in 2021 makes me really reflect on why I love to travel! These quotes will help me through another 3 months of lockdown we have here in the U.K. Awesome post and I wish you the best in 2021 🙂
Thank you- I hope you get to travel on some level soon!!
Love these selections. I tried to pick a favorite, but couldn’t. I truly can relate to each one of them. Without a doubt, traveling has made me a more open-minded, accepting, accommodating person. I really liked the quote, “a mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions”. Thanks for sharing!
Travel truly helps us gain a much broader perspective – it is such an amazing form of education for all ages. So many of the quotes you have listed resonate with me – loved reading each of them!
I love the quotes! So glad I found your blog post as I needed an inspiration to keep my wanderlust alive ( given the situation we are facing). Thanks for sharing!
Nothing short of inspiring!!!
These quotes are beautiful and so inspiring! I love “In the end, you won’t remember the time you spend working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that mountain!” because it is SO true! I’d absolutely spend every day climbing mountains if I could!
Love the quote “fill your life with adventure and not things so you have stories to tell and not things to show”. Made a note of a number of them!
So glad you enjoyed them!!
Absolutely love these travel quotes! My favorite is “jobs fill your pockets but travel fills your soul”. ❤️
Great quotes! I love them all!
I like so many of these quotes! I may need to steal some 😉
One of my faves, that came from working in the lab, but is just as easily applicable to travel – or life – is, “Vision Without Action is a Daydream; Action without Vision is a Nightmare.”
I just love this post! The inspiring quotes and traveling always gives me a chance to reflect on memories that have changed my life.. and the new ones I’m making!
I love these quotes but I also enjoyed hearing the things you learned by getting out in the world and traveling!
Great quotes. I really relate. Nice job of categorizing them and tying them all together.
I believe that travel, by far, is the best thing you can do for yourself.
All of these quotes speak to me! I love them!
Great quotes! I run a travel blog myself and you help me to realize why I am doing it. I agree that travel is a book and I got to write my own 🙂
Jobs fill the pocket but adventures fit the soul! Profound and true.
Love me a good quote and you have some amazing ones! Gotta stick with the Dalai Lama!
I can relate to all of these but this one is a fave!
Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends, but is played out over and over again in the quietest chambers. The mind can never break off from the journey.
Terrific quotes! Glad there are still places to travel, safely.
Such beautiful travel quotes. I too didn’t get to travel much as a kid, I wonder if that’s why we have that travel bug haha?
Wow I love these! Especially Fill your life with adventures, not things. Have stories to tell not stuff to show. It’s been hard to travel over the last 10 years because we always have a little one in tow, but as they get older, we’ve done more exploring!
I love a good quote to provoke deep thoughts on topics! It makes me feel like others before me pondered the same topics and that I am not alone in trying to navigate the questions of the universe!
So many great quotes.
Wonderful quotes! Each one struck a chord within me! I can’t wait until we can travel again
I like “Wherever you go, go with all your heart”
These quotes make me long for the time when we can travel freely again!
Love travel quotes! I use them in my phot blog posts as well as in my personal scrapbooks. Great post!
I love this! Travel is my joy and stress relief!!
My favorite is “the best way to be lost and found” one.
Agreed! I love the first one – once a year go someplace you’ve never gone.
I try to do that one once every few months!
Love quotes. The one about, “We travel not to escape life…” gets me every time.Thank you for sharing!