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  1. Aw I had to check out this post as one of my little ones will be turning 6 soon. We have “birthday parties” to celebrate our dog’s birthdays but they’re more of a family affair. The dogs still seem to have lots of fun, though!

    1. We’ve had birthday parties for the dogs where they were the only pets too. We’ve been slowly building up their puppy friends since the move and will be getting ready to have dog parties again once Emma is healed…I can’t wait!!

  2. These are great tips! I hadn’t thought about a Time Out space, that’s a good idea if you can do it without offending any Dog Moms/Dads LOL! My dogs both just had birthdays but we haven’t been able to have the beautiful birthday cake I ordered (it’s in the freezer) and a little celebration just yet. I keep putting it off! We just moved to this city a year ago and haven’t made any real doggo friends yet ) -:
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. I think of it as a break room LOL. Luckily my pet-parent friends are big fans of time-outs, even if it’s just to give them a break from having to be vigiliant…hehehe

  3. Great tips. Layla went to a pooch pool party yesterday, the dogs all knew each other but it was so cold and windy we did not do any swimming LOL. Parties are so much fun for everyone

    1. I love them! This way we don’t have to feel guilty leaving our dogs at home when we hang out with friends. It’s great when the whole house can come!

  4. I love the idea. I would never have thought of hosting a doggy birthday party but this sounds so much fun I can’t wait to attend one myself. Especially a summer one, maybe with a small pool for jumping in……

    Your tips are so practical too! Introductions (in particular) really matter, especially if you are inviting new friends. It is something people often forget. The number of dog owners who say ‘Oh it’s friendly’ then the dog chases cats and other dogs are not positive so proper introductions really matter.

    1. Yes….we’ve had some dogs just not like each other and it’s great to know who doesn’t like who when we put together the guest list!

  5. These are some great suggestions. I love the idea of backup leashes around. Even the best-behaved dogs may have an unexpected ‘moment’ where it’s needed. It’s better to be over-prepared and not need something than to find yourself in a situation where you don’t have what you need to keep everyone safe! When the world finally opens up here in our province (we’re still working through stages of lockdown) I want to celebrate with a puppy party!

  6. This is so much fun!! Great tips as well on extra leashes and in particular the time out space can be very important as dogs can get overwhelmed and need some space to wind down a bit!

  7. This is such a cool idea, with great tips too! I love that not only do you have suggestions on how to pick a good location, but also ways to introduce the dogs beforehand as a way to prevent incidents. I would feel way more comfortable letting my dogs go to a doggy party if they have been introduced to the other dogs one-on-one first.

    1. Some of my dogs are more nervous in crowds of strangers so this helps a lot. I also like knowing how the other dogs act around other pups so I know who might not get along when I make the guest list 🙂

  8. This is awesome! Great giude with some really useful tips! I don’t have a dog, but I can imagine the planning needed to pull off a successful party!

  9. Our canine friends love visiting others for sure! Although I don’t give parties, I socialize my old man still.

    1. It’s great when no one wants to leave their dog home alone but they still want to hang out with friends 🙂 As long as the pups all get along of course!

  10. This sounds fun as long as people are aware of the limitations of their dogs. I don’t believe I could do this with my cats. They don’t like strangers or change.

    1. Yup! That’s where the host/hostess needs to decide whether leash or unleashed would be best to start with. Cats are waaaay more difficult to do something like this with 🙂

  11. That’s hilarious! I am not a dog person – I’m pretty scared of them – and have noticed that many dog owners treat them like their children. It’s nice to see such dedicated pet parents (I darent say “owners” – right?!
    This on the heels of my article about the doggy picnic on the beach in Colombia – it cracks me up!

  12. I have so much respect for dog parents! With four very young kiddos, I can only admire you all with love and pet your doggies. Maybe someday I can add dog parties to my crazy schedule but for now, whew!

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