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  1. I bought a bunch of new toys to keep our kitty entertained after our pooch passed. Most of it she could care less about and had no interest in. Her favorite toy, the one she played with vigorously for the remainder of her life was a silly banana. It was a joy to watch her throw it in the air and tackle it.

  2. Love this! So important to keep our furbabies happy and stimulated. There’s a dog food commercial that says, “There’s no such thing as a bad dog, just a bored one” or something like that, and it’s so true. Bored dogs act out just like bored kids do. Thanks for sharing these great ideas 😊

  3. Interesting read. Pets are so like children. I am not a pet owner but I can relate to the owner/fur baby relationship. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I’ve never even thought about this! Great information, and information I can use when I get a pet!

  5. We have in the past few years after learning about the awful products used in some pet treats and toys gone on a strong initiative to make sure the stuff we bring in for them is safe and encourages great health.

    1. And it’s different for every dog! We have toys that can only be played with when one dog is not around. So it’s a very special treat for the ones that can get it!

  6. I completely agree with this! I find it absolutely awesome that the zoos offer their animals enrichment for mental health. We may have to put in a little more effort with our 3 elderly cats… but they seem to find plenty to keep them busy and active! LOL

  7. Great post! It’s been so great working from home because my dog gets so much more enrichment in going in and out of the dog door to chase squirrels and play in the snow. His life has definitely improved! His favorite toy is a light up ball of the kids that he tosses up in the air to get it to light up. It’s pretty entertaining to watch. He’s not half as interested in any of his own toys. 🙂

  8. I know all about the enrichment piece for my dog. We have a GSD so I am always worried it is not enough. He needs to work!

  9. It’s funny. I have three cats and each prefers a different type of enrichment. One loves little toy mice–we find them all over the house, even carefully placed in his food bowl. Another likes anything that hangs, and the third likes nothing more than snuggling on a warm lap!

  10. So glad to know we do all of the enrichment activities listed here with our pet, without really knowing it was called enrichment. Thank you, for the great post!

  11. I remember first hearing about enrichment on a documentary I saw, years ago, about low-budget zoos in poor countries. The elephants were swinging their heads back and forth rhythmically throughout the day, and the narrator explained that was a sign that they weren’t being mentally stimulated enough.

  12. I love these ideas! I create enrichment for my three cats in the backyard garden. I grow herbs they like, such as catmint, and create spaces for them to hide and sleep and play. They love the garden.

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