Actionable Ways to Celebrate Earth Day All Year
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What Can I Do to Celebrate Earth Day?
As Earth Day approaches, I like to take the time to check in and evaluate how I am doing with sustainable living. As a wildlife and nature enthusiast, I want to do my part to fight climate change and contribute to the overall health of the environment. As a traveler, I see firsthand the ramifications of pollution and global warming around the world. And as a pet owner, I am reminded daily about the different animals that depend on the choices that we humans make. Very few people are ever going to be able to live the “perfect” eco-friendly lifestyle. We can, however, check in to see if there are any changes that we can make that will help. Environmental problems can seem insurmountable, but if everyone helps a little bit, the overall difference can be huge!

The Basics
We have all heard of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This is what most of us have learned so we can be better stewards to the earth. Unfortunately, ‘Recycle’ has now turned into more of an advertising gimmick that retailers use to convince us that their packaging is okay for us to buy. Many of the things that have the recycle emblem on them can only be recycled at certain facilities if we break it down and clean it a certain way. One good example of this are pizza boxes. These boxes cannot be recycled once pizza has been put in them.

We need to start to pay attention to what our local recycling facilities will accept. My local recycling facility only accepts certain types of plastic, aluminum and tins cans, or cardboard. All items need to be cleaned. It is important to know what your facility accepts because each place has a contamination rate amount before the whole load goes to the dump. The contamination rate is the number of items in a batch that cannot be accepted because the items are not recyclable for whatever reason. When this happens, it defeats the purpose of Recycling. In addition, many cities have currently stopped their recycling programs due to the high cost. This means that it is better for us to focus on ‘Reduce’ now instead of hoping that things will be ‘Recycled’.

Here is to the hope for a future where recycling becomes more widespread and popular again! Until then, keep recycling, but let us focus more on reusing and reducing our waste.
Simple Ways to Celebrate Earth Day
1. Switch from plastic bottles to bars
We are still switching over our bathroom products from bottles to bar versions. Our shampoo, conditioner, face wash, and body soap are all in bar form. Next, we plan on looking for alternatives to our toothpaste and lotion. As a bonus this also makes airport travel much easier with no liquids in our carry-on!
2. Reusable straws
I prefer drinking out of straws so I always carry my reusable straw around with me so I can stop using disposable straws and protect the turtles and other animals that can choke on them. We also keep a spare set of metal straws in our cars for friends or when we forget our Final Straws at home.
3. Reusable water bottles
Save money and limit waste. Plastic bottles can technically be recycled but in many cases, they still end up in the dump. By carrying a reusable water bottle around, you use less plastic and can save a ton of money because you are not paying for each water bottle!
4. Upcycle
‘Reuse’ is another great option to help limit what goes to the dump. When you are spring cleaning, look at the items you want to get rid of with new eyes. Can you repurpose it in some way? We took our old dining room table and an end table to make different-sized DIY Canopy Beds for our pets. We also save items left over from different construction projects and find ways to use them for different projects instead of throwing them out. You can also either sell or give items away. If your town doesn’t have a recycling program, you can use things like boxes and packing paper for different DIY Dog Enrichment Ideas.

5. Rain barrel
If it is legal where you live, you can collect the rain that is coming off your roof and use it for your plants and gardens. This saves money and is a great way to conserve water. You can either buy one or build it yourself. Keep an eye out on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace for used ones!

6. Plant a vegetable and herb garden or shop at a Farmer’s Market
Planting your own food or buying local is another good way to save money. It also cuts down on transportation costs and the chemicals that are used to make the produce last longer. An additional benefit to buying local is that it passes on more money to your local farmers instead of the farmers having to share the profits with grocery stores and transport companies.

7. Plant native (and non-toxic) plants
Planting native plants is great for the local environment. If it is not a native plant, it is invasive. Some invasive plants spread quickly and will eventually replace the plants that belong in the area. This can hurt the balance of the ecosystem and negatively affect the wildlife that depends on those plants. If you are looking for volunteer opportunities, you can most likely find groups in your area that help rid areas of invasive species. A more personal benefit to using native plants is the money you will save because they will require less water and fertilizer to help them grow. If you have pets, make sure you also check that the plants you choose are non-toxic so you can keep your fur kids safe.

8. Compost
Compost is a much more earth-friendly option than using chemical fertilizers. Fertilizer ends up seeping into the ground and into our water tables. This water ends up in rivers and lakes which has negative effects on fish and other animals. This is one of the reasons that there are recommendations to limit the number of fish you catch and eat per week. These chemicals end up in the food that we eat and water that we drink. Pay attention to what you use in your gardens and lawns. Using natural remedies is healthier for all of us.
9. Eco-friendly poop pick-up
We want to be good, responsible dog owners which means picking up our pet’s waste. This is important because it limits the spread of disease (through fecal matter) and keeps our neighbors happy because they do not accidentally step in it. Look into buying compostable poop bags when you are on your walks. Try to pick up multiple piles in one bag (this does take practice and talent). For backyard pick-up, we use a long-handled dustpan and a small rake and dump the feces into an empty dog food bag. This way we cut down on the number of plastic bags used to pick up dog poop. This method is also much easier on our backs!
10. Avoid using poisons for pest control
No one wants rodent problems but try to use natural remedies to get rid of pests. The poison that you use can be carried off and /or eaten by other animals like pets. I had found a block of rat poison that another animal had carried into our yard that could have been deadly to my dogs. We have had a neighbor that had lost their dog that way. The rodents that eat the poison then die and in turn can poison other animals that have eaten them. This affects different animals like birds of prey, foxes, and again dogs, and cats. There have also been cases of small children getting sick from these chemicals.

11. Buy from companies that give back!
I love coffee and make a cup every day at home. Instead of buying my coffee from Walmart or Kroger’s, I started ordering it from websites that donate some of their proceeds to causes I care about. It costs about the same (just wait for free shipping opportunities) and I buy several bags at once. Endangered Species Chocolate and Conservation Coffee are just two examples of companies that donate back to conservation. Grounds and Hounds is a coffee company that donates to dog rescue organizations. Just make sure to do a bit of research to ensure that the company does indeed donate as advertised.

Let’s Do This!
We can all do our part to help the environment and what better time to start than on Earth Day? Even if you do not have time to help pick up trash in parks or on the side of the road, there a plenty of opportunities to make a difference in our everyday lives. The best part is that many of these things can save us money or make our lives easier when we are out and about. You do not have to do anything drastic, just start with something small. To celebrate Earth Day this year, Danny and I are landscaping using native species in our new home. We are also installing a rain barrel, we will start composting, and we will continue to switch more bathroom products over to more eco-friendly solutions. Tell me in the comments how you plan on celebrating Earth Day this year?

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I couldn’t agree more. We are accountable of our own actions and let’s do our part to help the environment.
So many things each of us can do to makes a difference and to change our world! Earth day should be every day! Great suggestions and tips!!
I agree! and thank you! 🙂
Using reusable straws has been HUGE for us! We switched about 2 years ago. We’re a family of 6 who drinks smoothies a lot, so we were going through so many straws. I think we’ve saved at least 10 boxes of straws since we made the switch!! It’s crazy what a small little change can do!
It really is! Now that we are starting to eat out again, we have to get back in the habit of stopping the straw delivery before they hand them to us. We used to be great at it but will need to ‘freshen up’ on our skills LOL
Great ideas! A rain bucket is definitely on my to-do list when our house is built!
I’m very excited to use mine this year!
Great piece! I have made many of these changes as well, from using bar personal products, to reusable straws and water bottles. I recently made three of my grands cloth bags full of goodies out of upcycled t-shirts. Love growing veggies, and keep the plantings locally sourced and native. We don’t use pet bags at home, but a shovel, and save the bags for outings. We keep our plant care products safe for our family and the environment. Thanks for the great reminder!
Love it!!!
Great ideas! Anything we can do for our earth is important!
Thank you!
So many good tips and suggestions. I’ve been trying to change everything in my home to as eco friendly as possible. Still have some bathroom products to get through first.
Thanks! As we are running out of things, we are replacing them with more eco-friendly options. Slow going but we will get there!
I like to start with the basics, reduce, reuse, and recycle!
Always a good place to start!
I love all of these suggestions! I’ve been thinking of switching to bar products – how do they work? I’ve also stopped using straws when I go out to eat and have reusable ones at home for guests!
The bar shampoo and conditioner you can just rub into your hands to ‘suds up’. I do this for the shampoo but end up just rubbing the conditioner bar to my hair since my hair is so thick and curly (picture the little mermaid with the fork LOL). With my hair, the conditioner took a bit of getting used to but they both work! You just have to find the right one for your hair, just like with the bottle stuff 🙂
Literally everyone needs to read this article! It’s so packed with vital info to have save the environment. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks! That means a lot 🙂
We have done a couple of the things on this list already. This spring we will be looking into getting a rain barrel!
I am so excited to use mine for the first time this year! Already planning on where to put another one 🙂
I think most people do their part, at least where I live.
That’s good! Unfortunately where we live, a lot of people just use the recycling bins like trash cans so very little is actually allowed to make it to the recycling plants 🙁
This post is AWESOME! Thank you for posting this and the tips are so actionable. So so easy and make a difference! I haven’t made the leap to bars from bottles on bath products so this was the nice friendly nudge I needed.
The bar form takes a little getting used to than just squirting it from a bottle but it is not that hard to get used to 🙂
Upcycling is a new thing for us….but thanks to an episode of Paw Patrol about it, our 5 year old is on an Upcycling warpath here.
That is awesome! Go Paw Patrol! LOL
We LOVE going to our local farmer’s market during the spring and summer! Not only are we supporting local businesses, but the food is so much better (and tastes way better, too)!
We think the fruits and veggies taste so much better locally too!
I believe God wants us to take care of our home.
Every day. All year. What each of us chooses to consume and do has repercussions.
It does!
I have never understood the whole thing about collecting rainwater being illegal. It rolls off my roof and into my yard. How is that any different than rolling off the roof into a barrel to be redistributed in my yard?
I have no idea. LOL
All great suggestions! We try to make small changes because every little bit helps!
I loved this article! We use metal straws, but I don’t like my children to use those in the car. We also have reusable silicone ones, but I like the idea of getting some collapsible ones for ease of transport. 🙂
I love the collapsible ones, especially because they are easy to clean almost anywhere with water so they don’t sit there being gross. LOL
I am a reusable water bottle junkie! We have a full shelf of them in our cabinets. I take mine everywhere!
Excellent! And it helps keep you hydrated and healthy 🙂
These are excellent suggestions and I am on board. I do all of these things except scooping poop…I don’t have dogs.