Rin’s Origin Story- 2022
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Rin is our newest addition to the family and bringing us one step closer to our dream of having our own personal ferret army. We brought Rin home to provide, Jack our original ferret, with a friend, and playmate. We had been looking for a sibling for Jack because ferrets are highly social animals. We had brought Jack home in July 2021 and he had been living by himself for an unknown period of time. Though he didn’t show any signs of depression or anxiety, we believed he would be happier living with another one of his species.

Once Jack was fully settled in our home, we started looking for ferret rescue organizations where we could adopt his future sibling. Unfortunately, we discovered that most rescues would only adopt animals out to homes within a limited distance from them. The one ferret rescue in our area had only one ferret available for adoption who had health issues. After several discussions, Danny and I decided it would not be feasible to knowingly take on an animal that would need additional veterinary care as we already have several pets in the house that have special medical needs.

Next, we branched out our search to include pet owners that needed to rehome their ferret so we could ‘rescue’ an animal that way but again we only found ferrets with major medical issues, or their rehoming fee was near the amount of buying one from a pet store or breeder.
We understand, that when you get an animal from an individual, there is always a risk as you cannot be certain of the animal’s health, behavioral history, or even age. We were seeing a lot of red flags in the animal posts that we found and finally decided that if we wanted to get another ferret anytime soon, we would need to purchase our next ferret at a local pet store.

Danny and I began making calls to the surrounding pet stores to see who had ferrets. On March 11, 2022, we made a last-minute decision to run to a nearby store just to look at their animals and to pick up some supplies for the house. We went over to the ferret cage and saw 4 ferrets: 2 were tiny and 2 were on the large side ones playing. Our eyes were drawn to the tiniest little girl who was getting pummeled by one of the larger ones relentlessly. Ferrets do wrestle and bite each other when they play but we started feeling bad because there really wasn’t any room for her to get away if she wanted a break.
We watched this continue for several minutes as Danny and I discussed if we wanted to bring home a ferret that night. We agreed that we wanted to meet this little girl and we asked one of the employees to take her out for us. Obviously, we instantly fell in love and took her straight home.

We quickly set up our office to be able to safely start introductions between her and Jack and were happy to see that they got along instantly. They played and played, and it made us so happy to see that Jack enjoyed her company.
With our latest little addition to the family, we were back to having an equal number of girls and boys in our household. Next, we had to find her the perfect name. We chose the name Rin after we realized that all our other animals’ names had a pattern with the number of syllables in each set of names. Remington and Kiara each had 3 syllables in their names, Charlie and Emma had 2, and Jack had just one. Our newest little girl would obviously also need to have a 1 syllable name. After going through a few lists of names, we both agreed on Rin.

Rin is the exact opposite of Jack. She is incredibly hyper with a limitless amount of energy at her young age. She attack-plays with everything and I have given her the nickname ‘monkey’ because she climbs everything (including us!). Danny refers to her as our little otter because she likes to lie on her back and hold things with her tiny paws, so she looks just like a little otter.
When she is out and about playing you will find her constantly running around dragging and hiding toys throughout the room. She will wear Jack out and he frequently needs to hide so he can squeeze in a few naps in between the chasing and wrestling.
Rin has absolutely no fear and has no issue running around, chasing, and even climbing our smallest dog, Charlie. He prefers to watch her from a distance now.

It makes us so happy to see how much more active and playful Jack is now with a ferret sibling. He would play with us before (and still does) but Rin has brought an extra layer of fun and energy to our household. She never fails to bring a smile to our faces with her crazy personality. I am so excited to see Rin grow up and for all of us to get to know her even better!
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