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  1. We share the fruits and veg we grow with all of our animals on the farm – sheep, goats, chickens, alpacas – and dogs included! Our Great Pyr Annabelle is especially fond of pumpkins.

  2. I’m always researching what foods are safe for my dog because he’s always out back doing my planting with me. 😉 But everytime I plant strawberries, I never get any because he eats them all first! LOL!

    1. My cousin’s dog pulls and eats their choice of carrots LOL Luckily ours haven’t figured it out yet with our raised beds and I am hoping it stays that way~

  3. I’d love to have a garden. I’ve always wanted one, but my husband is unwilling to put in the time to start and maintain one. You have so many tips here, and the dogs that are fortunate enough to have owners who have a garden for them are very blessed.

  4. This is such a great idea! My dogs are very particular about what fruits and veggies they will eat but I do catch them eating raspberries off the bush and Benson likes to eat the cucumber vines…A great and budget friendly way for the whole family to eat healthy!

  5. Loved this. So much great information on starting a garden for dog treats. I just wonder once your dog realizes where his treats are coming from will he/she try to dig them up themselves. This was awesome.

    1. Some dogs do…I am pretty sure mine would try which is one of the reasons we chose to do a raised garden bed. In the future I might plant an area that they are allowed and encouraged to get their own snacks though 😉

    1. This will be the first year that I plant everything with the dogs in mind. Last year, they ended up eating most of the carrots and I started wondering why I don’t plant more things for them!

    1. The simplest ideas I find are so easy to overlook! It finally occurred to me to do this last summer 🙂 This will be the first growing season that I will go all in!

  6. We’ve toyed with the idea of starting a garden, and it would definitely need to be dog-friendly so as not to harm our beagle. Thanks for the ideas!

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