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  1. Having animals is a lot of work! Even cats have the same issue. I’ve had to learn to keep all food locked up as well!

  2. You have a smart dog, who can solve trash can puzzles! Wow! I am impressed with your perseverance and creativity. I am glad you found a solution that works!

  3. Oh, I loved this! And I actually cannot believe that sensor can from Costco was not more expensive! Kids and animals will definitely bring out the creativity in us!

  4. This is really great information. My niece has to make sure the garbage in the bathroom is covered, or the door is closed at all times. Her dog loves tissues and other things. I’ll share this post with her.

  5. These are some great tips! We had a problem with our one dog breaking into our plastic trash bins, so we invested in a nicer stainless steel bin. The latch on it was stronger and better designed, it latched within a frame on the garbage bin instead of leaving an overhang for the dogs to nose at. It worked great to keep them out! We have since switched over the bins in bathrooms, the kitchen and my office lol

    1. Dogs definitely keep us on our toes and test our problem-solving skills! Ours had figured out the latch on their food bins, so those are now turned toward the wall too

  6. We are low tech here, so my dog opening the lid is close to impossible, as well as she’s never alone to get a chance to get into mischief.

    Turning the can around–so simple, so genius!

  7. Great tips! And it is so important to remember the trash can! Fortunately, even when I had five Huskies, this was not too much of an issue. I did have one who would step on the trash can to open it, but I caught on quick and when we remodeled our kitchen, I had a countertop extend out to slide the trash can under so the lid could not open! I have one of my FiveSibes remaining and he is just a happy senior who doesn’t get into much mischief anymore! Pinning this to share your awesome tips!

  8. I’m really lucky, my dogs have never gotten into the trash. Even though they’ve never raided the trash, I do wrap particularly dangerous & enticing items like chicken bones in double wrap, or put it into the outside trash bin. Great points in this post and I love all the remedies you’ve suggested to keep dogs away from the trash.
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

  9. Truffle used to love getting into the trash can in my office. I ended up placing a box over the top of it.

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