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  1. Great post as I am dealing with Layla and anxiety as she has become a senior – 14 years old. I use a doggy t-shirt to help her calm down which is working, she gets relax from Dr Harvey to help her calm down and it all seems to be working.

    1. I am glad you have found some ways to help her. 🙂 My oldest seems to become more anxious as he loses his sight and hearing, it’s hard to see them stressed out.

  2. Great information on anxiety in dogs. My little dog is fearless, virtually nothing scares her but my Husky is terrified of thunder & fireworks. We use CBD calming treats that work pretty well. Tge Adaptil product sounds really good!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them

    1. Thanks! I was surprised that the Adaptil worked- there are so many false claims about pet products, I would never have tried it if my vet hadn’t suggested it. I hear great things about CBD too!

  3. These are great tips. Both of our dogs experience anxiety in different situations. Our girl, Daviana, is our bravest pup but even she has her triggers. More specifically, she does NOT do well in thunderstorms. We have tried a variety of different solutions to help calm her down but the only thing that seems to stop her from whining and trembling is to cuddle her ourselves or allow her to cuddle up with our boy Indy. Having someone right there next to her never fails to bring her the comfort that she needs in the moment.

  4. I have three anxious dogs and have tried a few of the ideas you suggest. We’re a work in progress. It’s heartbreaking to see them so stressed out. Thanks for the post.

    1. Your welcome and good luck on finding what works for your pack. It’s hard when it’s not one method that works for all solution. Each dog can be soooo different.

  5. A couple of years ago we had 18 months of constant barking from the dog across the back. It stopped and reappeared in another suburb when the dog moved! Turns out the dog had severe separation anxiety and I wish I’d had your this post then. The owners were clueless about their poor dog and would have benefitted so much from this.

    I will make sure I share your post!

    1. Thank you for the share! It’s hard when you’ve never had to deal with it before. I am hoping with the new awareness and focus on human mental health, that more people realize that animals can suffer from the same issues and need some extra (and different from normal) help.

  6. My younger dog came from an abusive situation, and I would say she totally thinks children move like zombies! haha.
    Also, your black dog looks so much like my older dog! Mine’s a flat-coated retriever and terrified of storms. (Well, even rain these days! She’s determined a storm is coming!)

  7. My fur baby had separation anxiety when I would leave her for any length of time at home alone. I found that leaving the TV or radio on for her helped and also CBD oil.

  8. Thanks for this article, it reminded me to be more aware when doing things and to watch my dog’s behaviour to cues

  9. Kinda got sad reading that dogs can struggle like this but thank you for showing a way out. Very useful reading:)

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