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  1. Our biggest struggle has actually been their love for sleeping under the tree. Our German Shepherd mix Dav likes to sleep under there but every now and then she forgets where she is and stands up in a hurry knocking the tree over. It’s a good thing she’s cute lol

    1. Oh my goodness that sounds like the cutest nightmare haha! I was just scrolling down to comment and caught this. Today was the 1st day my dog went under the tree to scratch his back on it. It was cute but I was worried.

  2. The challenge we have is our cat climbing it and playing with all of the ornaments. Our dog is very well behaved around the tree. Ha!

  3. Fantastic tips! We also try to use non-breakable tree toppers just in case. The funny thing is that these tips could relate to toddlers too LOL!!!

  4. Adorable photo of your dogs near the tree. Luckily our dogs have never had any interest in our Christmas tree but these are good suggestions for those who have dogs that do.

  5. I have never had a problem with the dog bothering the tree or gifts but there was the yeat we had two kittens racing up and down the tree. We did minimal unbreakable ornaments that year. The following year they had no interest in the tree. It is a fond memory.

  6. I used to put the kid’s paper and handmade ornaments on the bottom. Those were the ones that could withstand the tail wagging!

  7. Great ideas! Our Sheltie turns a year old this month so it’ll be interesting to see how she does with all the new decor!

  8. Is it weird that it never crossed my mind to decorate the tree in stages so that my dog could get used to it… luckily enough my dog is little (french bulldog) and can’t make it over the presents to get to the tree hehe

    1. Not weird at all, I don’t think most people think about doing it in stages. We just used this method to get animals used to things in the zoos that I worked at, that I use a lot of those techniques at home 🙂

  9. I’ll never forget waking up one morning to find my cat laying INSIDE the tree. These days, she’s pretty good at just laying underneath, although she will occasionally bat an ornament across the room. I always wonder how people keep their doggos from drinking the water for fresh trees. Any tips?

    1. I can’t imagine finding an animal IN the tree! LOL. To keep them from drinking the water there are several water additives you can use to make it taste bad. 🙂

  10. I’m so fortunate my old man has never made issue of the tree. Great suggestions for those that do!

  11. Adorable pups! My cat used to love going under the tree and playing with the lower branch of the ornaments. Sometimes she’d try to eat the fake branches that’s when I had to use ssscat to keep her away.

  12. Thankfully, our dogs have been great around our trees. It’s the cats that have knocked it over. Several times. LOL. Love the cute pic of the dogs around the tree! Merry Christmas!

  13. Your pets look so cute around the tree. Ours is curious to know what the fuss is all about, but so far as not knocked one down, rather sleeps beside it, looking at the twinkling lights.

  14. Thankfully we’ve never had any issues with our dogs and our Christmas tree (or other decorations). Now, if we could just get the kiddos to keep their little hands off of everything. 😉

  15. I am lucky In that my 3 cats pretty much ignore the tree. One likes to sleep under it, but that’s all. We try to keep the breakable stuff about three feet off the floor, since they do on occasion play with anything low lying! Lol

  16. I’ve never had a problem with my cats or dogs and the Christmas tree however my son and his wife/family finally had to crate their one year old lab when no one his home because he kept pulling the lights off the tree and chewed on the branches. Hopefully he will do better as he gets older.

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