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  1. So interesting to read about what others do with their animals. Here at our ranch the dogs and cats have their fall diet supplemented with deer scraps left from hunting season. Not to sound crude, just a different lifestyle.

  2. This is fantastic! I make my own dog food every week all organic and this helps to see some other foods I can use, I’m very careful because introducing a new food can cause stomach problems especially in senior dogs!!

  3. Great information! My mom’s cat has had pancreatitis since she was a kitty and also now has a gallstone. Once a year she tends to get nauseated, vomits, and has some other stomach upset. Right now is that time for her. I will show this to my mom, maybe something here could help her better. Vets say everything is okay but she still isn’t her self.

  4. So interesting. I don’t have pets but this was an intriguing read for me. And I guess why not? Fun to see the dog eating the carrot but it did make me think about what other natural foods would dogs enjoy. Thanks for sharing.

  5. This is really good information to know! I love to feed my parents dog treats, so I can add these to the list to give treats of 🙂

  6. I am not a pet owner but this was very interesting read. I know that some foods are bad for pets but I had no idea that there were some that was beneficial to pets. Thanks for sharing. I will share with my family and friends that do own pets.

  7. This makes so much sense but I never considered feeding pets whole foods. But obviously, if it’s better for us then it’s most likely better for them as well!

  8. I didn’t know dogs could eat carrots. However, I think about it and we give our dog table scraps all the time I guess carrots have been in there.

  9. Let food be thy medicine goes for our furry friends too! Love it! My canine friend follows me in the garden during the growing season in hopes that something magically falls into his mouth, LOL!

  10. Great ideas! I’ve heard that pumpkin is good for dogs and cats. I’m a cat mom to three felines. One will eat absolutely anything!

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