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  1. This is great information about nuts for dogs. It is good to know which ones are bad and which ones are good.

  2. Wow, huh, I never thought of giving nuts to a dog as a treat. I’m not a dog person, but it’s hard to imagine a dog eating nuts in the wild! I think of them as carnivores, although I had a dog once who was so jealous of all the little Girl Scouts feeding carrots to the camp burros who overwintered in our pasture that he started stealing the carrots out of their hands! And ate them all up. Weirdo dog!
    It’s interesting that things might be differently toxic to different species of animals.

    1. Our dogs love carrots! LOL Dogs sometimes like to chew on things they find in the wild and a lot of people tend to feed their dog off of their plate not realizing that some items can be toxic to them 🙂 It is crazy how foods can affect different species differently

  3. Interesting read. I don’t have a dog, but I had no idea just how many nuts are toxic for dogs! Great guide for a new pet owner!

    1. Thank you! A lot of the emergency vet visits is because owners had no idea that some things aren’t safe for their pet. It can be hard keeping on top of everything.

  4. Great info. I didn’t know about Xylitol. Whenever my dog needs to take meds, I have to give it to him with peanut butter because nothing else works. I’ll have to look out for Xylitol in the ingredients lists.

  5. This is great information! My dogs are always trying to pick up acorns at this time of the year, I have to drag them away from them! But they definitely love peanuts as an occasional snack!

  6. This is great information, and one of the reasons my dogs have a default “Leave It”. You can’t be too careful.

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